NDSU FarmHouse Fraternity is accepting applications for six $3,300 one-year scholarships from any male high school graduates who are incoming freshman during the fall of 2025 at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. These scholarships are not based on grades or ACT scores and applicants can major in any field of study. There is no requirement to join FarmHouse Fraternity. The application must be submitted by March 1, 2025.​
To receive scholarship payments, the awardee must be enrolled as a full-time student at NDSU. One-half of the award will be paid in the fall semester and one-half will be paid in the spring semester, provided they meet the requirements listed below. The scholarship check for fall semester is usually delivered in-person at FarmHouse Fraternity during the first couple weeks of the semester. For the spring semester, payment for the second part of the scholarship requires the following:
The awardee attains at least a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) for at least 12 credits for the fall semester.
The awardee continues enrollment at NDSU as a full-time student.
If the awardee should choose to withdraw from NDSU during either the fall or spring semester (prior to the final drop date), they will be required to repay the scholarship money amount for the semester due to failure to fulfill their academic commitment.
Qualified candidates should adhere to the values of FarmHouse Fraternity, such as intellectual, spiritual, social, and moral characteristics. Preference will be given to someone who possesses/demonstrates the true characteristics of “Grit” such as resilience, strong work ethic, direction, desire to succeed, and perseverance.
The FarmHouse Foundation has endowed funds, which produce investment income of $20,000 - $22,000 per year, that provide scholarships to assist NDSU active chapter members with their educational expenses. The annual scholarships include:
Jerome Striegel Memorial Scholarship - $3,300
Jerome Striegel was FH chapter president and a highly-involved campus leader who, upon graduation was in training to serve as an IFYE agricultural ambassador. He tragically died, so his family established an endowment in his memory. This is considered our lead scholarship for academic and leadership excellence among active chapter members.
Backman Family Scholarship - $3,300
The Backman family represents two generations of NDSU chapter leadership. They established an endowment to support future leaders among active chapter members.
Thomas B. Ihry Memorial Scholarship - $1,250 or more
Thomas Ihry was an active farmer/rancher who died in middle age. FarmHouse brothers, primarily his contemporaries, established an endowment in his memory. And matching Tom’s career, the scholarship is targeted to active chapter members interested in production agriculture, with preference to animal science majors.
North Dakota Foundation Scholarships - $1,000 - $3,000
These 6 to 8 scholarships are distributed to sophomore, junior, and senior members and values vary from $1,000--$3,000. The exact number and value of scholarships varies with the total investment income and number of applicants, at discretion of the selection committee.
These scholarship totals are annual amounts with one-half distributed for fall and spring semesters, provided members maintain required minimum academic grades and progress. Members apply for the scholarships during about the first 4 weeks of spring semester; applications are evaluated by an alumni committee; and awardees are announced at the Founders Day dinner (spring term party) in April. Evaluation criteria include academic achievement, leadership in FH and on campus, non-campus involvement such as church and pre-college leadership, and an essay reflecting on FH values and experience.
In addition to academic scholarships, FarmHouse Foundation endowments provide funds to support leadership development for members, especially for elected officers, including the FarmHouse Leadership Institute, Regional Leadership Conferences, and the biennial Conclave.